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It's that time of year! End of year Giving, gifts of charity, and Hashtag Giving. But do you know what donating to FCA WY looks like or how it works? We'll break it down for you down below. 

Are you looking and praying for a way to give to a ministry or organization to impact your communities and youth? FCA wants to help Athletes and Coaches around the State wherever their are in their journey to find their identity in Christ and develop their Sport. It's a ministry about Teams of Volunteers serving, leading and giving. 

We hope that the stories and updates here give insight into what God is doing in our square state. We want to engage, equip, and empower our WY athletes and coaches, along with our amazing FCA community of volunteers and supporters. 

In this post, we would like to share about five strategies for giving to FCA WY:

Know the What If
Checkout MYFCA
Join the Home Team
Other Ways to Give (a car, a steer...)
Leave a Legacy (TLA Program)

Keep reading to know more about what giving to FCA looks like...

Know the What IF 

The pic above comes from our Big Rocks from 2019.  Exactly a year ago, our Team had met together over a meal to discuss the changes and future of FCA WY. State Director, Jim Hamilton, really challenged us Staff to think outside of checklists and categories. Instead, he asked us to consider the "what if" for FCA.

What if every area had a power camp, Fields of Faith, Night of Champions...what if, what if!

We decided that the Big Rocks would be the foundation of our ministry moving forward to reach our 35,000 WY Athletes and Coaches. To share the Gospel and make disciples. We even had a big plans for Night of Champions, which Hamilton had really emphasized during his stint as Director in 90's.

Fast forward in to Spring 2020...

Ministry was not cancelled but it certainly made a huge shift to serving virtual, online and at a distance. We continued to support Athletes and Coaches whose seasons and lives were really impacted during this time. And while many events were cancelled, our VISION AND MISSION has not been postponed. It has only strengthened!

Covid-19 would not have happened, we would have had almost if not all of these rocks hit in 2020! So, we want to introduce or refresh the BIG ROCKS, the vision for the State and each area. When you consider and praying about giving to FCA WY, please think about this -

WHAT IF FCA WYOMING COULD REACH EVERY ATHLETE AND EVERY COACH? What kind of legacy would that leave, what kind of transformation would that create?

Each Field office and State office raises their own local support. If you could pray for God's direction in how, where, and when to give - that would be awesome. You are also welcome to explore our options in this post to come up with the best fit as a giving strategy. And finally, if you would like to meet with Staff or Directors to talk more about how to be a part of our Home Team, please feel free. We are here for you!

Check out MYFCA

We would like to introduce you to MYFCA if you have not utilized this website yet. This secure website serves as a donation and account management to better serve you. It is both easy to use and personalized for you.

How does it work? Go to MYFCA.ORG. You will be able to look up staff and local area. You will also be able to read more about Staff and Areas on-going ministry. Or go to Our FCA WY TEAM page to directly access each Staff's

From there, you have the option to make a donation by filling out contact and billing information or creating a personal account. When you create a personal account, you have access to your giving history and option to sign up for Automatic Monthly Partner (AMP) Program. You will also be able to conveniently update contact information and download year-end tax reports.

Give Monthly. The Automatic Monthly Partner (AMP) Plan is a convenient and easy method of making monthly contributions for charitable giving and donations by monthly transfer between your checking, savings or credit card account. This method of giving is secure, convenient, and strategic. 

If you take a look on our DONATE page on FCA Wyoming, you will find the Home Team Budget needs based on how many AMPS for your staff and area. We want to get their funding to 100% and AMPS provide a perfect way for Staff to have a consistent and sustainable budget!

Give a one-time Gift. While AMPS are a great thing, one time-gifts help, too! This is certainly an option under MYFCA.

Give in Honor. Did you know this was an option? Leave a comment, give as an organization, or leave your gift in honor of/in memory of someone.

Join the Home Team

Have you heard about our Home Team? Home Team consists of a group - visionary givers - who give continually with prayers and financial support to FCA State and Staff.  In fact, a Home Team Member's ongoing contributions literally underwrite an area's ministry and operational budget. Home Team Members also share the Vision and help others with giving strategies to join the Home Team.

To get an idea of Home Team Budget needs, click on our Donate button at the top or go HERE. You are welcome to visit this page and view all the bar graphs of funds raised and needs and how many more people Staff need to join their Home Team. Who knows? Maybe you will be one of them.

Other Ways to Give

Give a check. If you MYFCA is not the best fit for you, making a check out works. Read more HERE.

Give a Steer.  FCA partners with STEER, Inc. in Bismarck, North Dakota, which works with ranchers willing to use their talents, skills and land to raise cattle. The STEER program provides the cattle and seed; ranchers who volunteer raise the cattle until the cows can be sold. Profits from selling cows go to benefit the sports ministry of FCA. This is a unique and exciting way ranchers and farmers are donating to FCA.

If you’re interested in this unique opportunity to donate to FCA through ranching and farming skills, please learn more about STEER, Inc. HERE or watch the video below.

Give a Vehicle. Did you know that you can assist our sports ministry through vehicle donation? There are four possibilities for donors to consider based on their vehicle, situation, and desire. Donors also receive a tax deduction for each of the four options: a) FCA liquidates and sells the donated vehicle through our partner Vehicles for Charity, b) Donor sells the vehicle, c) Donor gives vehicle to FCA for staff use or d) Donor gives vehicle to FCA to sell.

For more information, on donating a vehicle to FCA go to this page, with all the information and forms you will need, go HERE.

Give Stock Gifts. This is an easy giving strategy with no out-of-pocket expense. The benefit to FCA: Receiving immediate cash for the ministry from the sale of the stock. The benefit for you: Reducing capital gains. Receiving a charitable tax deduction. Supporting the ministry of FCA.

To give a gift of stock to FCA, go here.

Legacy Giving

Leave a Legacy Now. Tom Landry, lived and left a legacy of impact, one that will carry forward for generations to come with his influence not only in the coaching and football world, but for the Kingdom through the way he lived his life and as a very special friend, leader and benefactor to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

The Tom Landry Associates is a program named in honor of Coach Landry to recognize and distinguish FCA’s major donors who also are living a legacy of impact for generations to come through generously investing in FCA’s vision to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

To learn more about annually giving and lifetime giving, go HERE.

Leave a Legacy Later. From estate giving to setting up an FCA Legacy Fund, learn about the ways to contribute to FCA as a legacy.

There you have it, we hope this helps. Thank you so much for all that you do.


FCA Wyoming

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